We had a requirement to monitor the the output of a Query (Stored Procedure in our case) and the Alert based on the result it generated.
In Our case we wanted to monitor something like
SELECT statusno from XXX table
If statusno > 0 alert = OK
Alert = fail
End if
So it was like If the Output is anything but 0 we wanted an alert.
I referenced these 2 articles to create our Script based Monitor
I faced some issues where in the script gave errors and did not execute correctly.
The Script i used and that worked for us is a slight modification of one listed here http://systemcenter.no/?p=190 to suit our requirement.
Dim objCN, strConnection
Dim objAPI, oBag
Set objCN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
Set oBag = objAPI.CreatePropertyBag()
strConnection = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Your SQL Server Name;Database=The database you need to run this against;Trusted_Connection=TRUE"
objCN.Open strConnection
Dim strSQLQuery
strSQLQuery = "The Query"
Dim objRS
Set objRS=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set objRS = objCN.Execute(strSQLQuery)
Do Until objRS.EOF
'WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("Status")
if objRS.Fields("Status") <> "0" then
'WScript.Echo "evaluated as bad"
Call oBag.AddValue("State","BAD")
Call objAPI.Return(oBag)
Call oBag.AddValue("State","GOOD")
Call objAPI.Return(oBag)
end if
In Our case the Query was: Exec Sp1
Server= Server01
Database= myDB01
The expressions used during the creation of Monitors are:
Another Script example , if in case we can not generate the output of the SQL query to be a Number we can use string value as well:
Dim objCN, strConnection
Dim objAPI, oBag
Set objCN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
Set oBag = objAPI.CreatePropertyBag()
strConnection = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Your SQL Server Name;Database=The database you need to run this against;Trusted_Connection=TRUE"
objCN.Open strConnection
Dim strSQLQuery
strSQLQuery = "SELECT [VALUE] FROM SQLReplView "
Dim objRS
Set objRS=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set objRS = objCN.Execute(strSQLQuery)
Do Until objRS.EOF
'WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("VALUE")
if objRS.Fields("VALUE") = "ALERT_ON" then
'WScript.Echo "evaluated as bad"
Call oBag.AddValue("State","BAD")
Call objAPI.Return(oBag)
Call oBag.AddValue("State","GOOD")
Call objAPI.Return(oBag)
end if
Hope this helps
In Our case we wanted to monitor something like
SELECT statusno from XXX table
If statusno > 0 alert = OK
Alert = fail
End if
So it was like If the Output is anything but 0 we wanted an alert.
I referenced these 2 articles to create our Script based Monitor
I faced some issues where in the script gave errors and did not execute correctly.
The Script i used and that worked for us is a slight modification of one listed here http://systemcenter.no/?p=190 to suit our requirement.
Dim objCN, strConnection
Dim objAPI, oBag
Set objCN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
Set oBag = objAPI.CreatePropertyBag()
strConnection = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Your SQL Server Name;Database=The database you need to run this against;Trusted_Connection=TRUE"
objCN.Open strConnection
Dim strSQLQuery
strSQLQuery = "The Query"
Dim objRS
Set objRS=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set objRS = objCN.Execute(strSQLQuery)
Do Until objRS.EOF
'WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("Status")
if objRS.Fields("Status") <> "0" then
'WScript.Echo "evaluated as bad"
Call oBag.AddValue("State","BAD")
Call objAPI.Return(oBag)
Call oBag.AddValue("State","GOOD")
Call objAPI.Return(oBag)
end if
In Our case the Query was: Exec Sp1
Server= Server01
Database= myDB01
The expressions used during the creation of Monitors are:
Another Script example , if in case we can not generate the output of the SQL query to be a Number we can use string value as well:
Dim objCN, strConnection
Dim objAPI, oBag
Set objCN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
Set oBag = objAPI.CreatePropertyBag()
strConnection = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Your SQL Server Name;Database=The database you need to run this against;Trusted_Connection=TRUE"
objCN.Open strConnection
Dim strSQLQuery
strSQLQuery = "SELECT [VALUE] FROM SQLReplView "
Dim objRS
Set objRS=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set objRS = objCN.Execute(strSQLQuery)
Do Until objRS.EOF
'WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("VALUE")
if objRS.Fields("VALUE") = "ALERT_ON" then
'WScript.Echo "evaluated as bad"
Call oBag.AddValue("State","BAD")
Call objAPI.Return(oBag)
Call oBag.AddValue("State","GOOD")
Call objAPI.Return(oBag)
end if
Hope this helps
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