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Showing posts from July, 2013

Re-install McAfee Agent using SCCM Package

We needed to re-install McAfee agent on all the servers as they were not reporting to ePO server properly. In order to do so we used SCCM to advertised a package that we created which re-installed the ePO agent. The package was saved on the FileServer and contained : FramePkg.exe EpoReinstall.cmd The content of EPOResinstall.cmd : CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\Common Framework" FrmInst.exe /Forceuninstall /s "%~0\..\FramePkg.exe" /install=agent /S We set the advertisement to run the package directly from the DP. Hope this helps.

Citrix StoreFront 2.0 Event ID 17 and 12 Timeout

We are facing an issue with Storefront 2.0 . Everything seemed to be slow, authentication , enumeration , launch etc. The events we saw were: Event Id 17 An error occurred while contacting the Discovery Service. System.Net.WebException, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 The operation has timed out Url: http://StoreSRV01/Citrix/XD7PoC/discovery ExceptionStatus: Timeout Event ID 12 An error occurred while contacting the Discovery Service. System.Net.WebException, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 The operation has timed out Url: http://StoreSRV1/Citrix/XD7PoC/discovery ExceptionStatus: Timeout It supposedly was caused by McAfee VSE 8.8 Update 2. We tried uninstalling McAfee VSE 8.8 U2 and installing the older 8.7 version and it does make some difference. Not sure what the perfect solution is as of now. Hope this helps.

XenDesktop 7 Director localhost issue

We faced an issue with xendesktop 7 director. When the admin user logged on to the director server and launched it from the start menu it opens http://localhost/Director As soon as the user provides credentials , he's returned back to logion screen for Director. There is no error in the event log or IIS logs. We got it fixed by using  http://servername/Director  instead of  http://localhost/Director You can change the Shortcut in Start menu to http://servername/Director This may have something to do with the IIS , but not sure. If you face this issue , you can try the above steps and see if that works for you Hope this helps.

Psexec Help

We had a requirement to create 10GB files on 200 machines immediately  for testing. psexec was used to do this remotely. The command: psexec.exe -u username -p passpord @list.txt \\FileSrv01\Sharename\CreateFile.cmd Here are the steps: Created a batch file and saved it on a file share which all users have access to . FileServer Share  ----   \\FileSrv01\Sharename\ Batch File ---  CreateFile.cmd The batch file had this content: fsutil file createnew C:\test.bak 10000000000  The Above command creates around 9GB file immediately 1.Logged in to one of the machines with admin privilege 2.Copied psexec.exe  to folder C:\temp 3.Created a file list.txt which had all the machines where i wanted to run the batch file.Kept it in the same folder. 4.Executed the command from command prompt within C:\temp directory psexec.exe -u username -p passpord @list.txt \\FileSrv01\Sharename\CreateFile.cmd Hope thi...

Xendesktop 7 Machines Shut down during Peak Hours

Sometimes you might have a situation wherein you have a dedicated Catalog with 100's of machines. You set the delivery group for Peak hours and do not want any machines to be turned off. However you will notice that machines are still shutting down during the peak hours  Set-BrokerDesktopGroup "Your Delivery Group Name" -PeakBufferSizePercent 100 e.g Set-BrokerDesktopGroup "ABCDesktops" -PeakBufferSizePercent 100 You may want to test with different values for PeakBufferSizePercent In our case i choose 100 Hope this helps.

There are no apps or desktops assigned to you at this time Citrix Storefront

Sometimes when  you configure Storefront 2.0 and you create a store to access your apps for your current XenApp 6.5 Farm .You may not see any of your published applications. And the page looks like: Just a message: "There are no apps or desktops assigned to you at this time" You need to make sure that while Creating the store you need to specify the correct port for XML broker for your farm. Like in our case it is 8080 Also in case if you want to show the Apps by default on the Logon page you can use the following keywords while publishing the applications in the AppCenter These keywords are : Auto Featured TreatAsApp Auto -- Will show the published application by default Featured --To add to the featured list There are others you can add as well Then it will show as: Hope this helps.